Thursday, June 2, 2011


It seems like forever since I have posted on my bog - but we have had some frustrating times over the past few months. It seems that once Tahseen delivered the supplies, they were put into a warehouse until the seniors were moved into a new building. Well, they were relocated 3 months later but there was no evidence of our donated items being taken there. Tahseen fought many battles trying to accomplish this but had no luck. This is when that "God kissed" phrase comes in.

Out of the blue, I get an email from a Maureen McLuckie from Great Britain. Maureen is the Coordinator-Administrator/volunteer of The Kurdistan Childrens fund ~~ ~~. Maureen had seen the quilts on the childrens beds and when she asked where they came from - was told that some lady from American came and brought them. She set upon a Google search with quilts/afghanistan and found my blog and email !! How great is that !! When I received her email, I was out of breath with gratitude and surprise! I knew this marvelous lady was going to be our answer to getting this mission accomplished !

Miss Maureen was determined to help me out once I explained my plight - and as you will witness by our latest pictures, the new pillows, mattresses and seniors aids (walkers) are now at the seniors home and in use! Tahseen asked if they liked their new things and the answer was quick and postive !!

I can't thank Maureen enough for her perserverence in helping me accomplish this mission. She was truly God-sent.

Please enjoy the photos and see the quilts!! mattresses !! pillows !! walker !! all thanks to my many donors who helped my with this ministry !! May God bless you all for your generosity and kindness.


  • Blood of Flowers
  • Brakthrough - 8 Steps to Wellness
  • Mutant Message from Down Under
  • Snow Flower and The Secret Fan
  • Stones to Schools (Greg Mortenson)